Start the journey to healthier relationships today

Individual and Relationship Counseling that will help you reconnect and deepen the relationships you want with your loved ones.

Couples Counseling

Work with me to learn how to better communicate with your partner, get help finding peace in your relationship, and reconnect in ways that make you both feel special and loved, and repair some of the hurt that’s happened along the way!

Brittany Steckel, Premarital Counseling in Colorado

Premarital Couples Counseling

I help couples who are ready to consider marriage and want to create a cornerstone for their relationship that will last. Work with me to prepare a grounded and strong foundation for a beautiful future with the one you love.

Individual Counseling with Brittany Steckel, Lone Tree Colorado

Individual Therapy

I work with individuals who are frustrated with their habits and find themselves getting stuck when striving for their dreams or who tend to keep others at arms length. I can help you learn about yourself, share your truest self to those you care about, and cultivate a life you love.

I work with individuals and couples who are feeling stretched beyond what they can handle and want help finding peace in their lives and relationships. Those I work with are hurting, feeling disconnected, and are often frustrated about what their lives have become. They want more. More insight, more closeness, more kindness, more love.

I help these individuals and couples break down the barriers that are getting in the way of living the lives they want. They grow to understand their inner strengths, weaknesses and fears with more clarity and peace. They heal from hurts and conflict with others. And they grow in ways that will sustain and deepen their relationships with those they love and even themselves.

Brittany Steckel, Individual and Relationship Counselor in Lone Tree, Colorado.

Brittany Steckel is an individual and couples therapist in Lone Tree, Colorado. She works with individual clients and relationships to help people reconnect and repair their relationships.

“Behind every happy couple lies two people who have fought hard to overcome all obstacles and interferences that be in the way. Why? Because it's what they wanted."

— Kim George

Sign up for a free 20 minute consultation and see how I can help you develop the relationship you want.